
Application Services Market Trends and Forecasts 2018

The Application Services (AS) market is being radically redefined as digital breaks the boundaries that both surround and segment this arena. As we look at the 2017-2021 timeframe, rotation to the new will more than double the demand for digital, platform and cybersecurity related AS. These services will account for 60% of the market just four years from now. Change of this scale and at this pace creates both significant opportunities and existential threats for all that make their livings in this space. Understanding these dynamics and the potential responses to them are prerequisites for suppliers and enterprises alike.

This is one of our foundation reports, analysing the trends and developments shaping the AS market and includes the latest UK market size and forecast data. The report explores the “what” and the “why” of the forces at play in what next year will be the largest segment of the UK IT services market. It also looks at the “how” of adapting to and prospering in this rapidly evolving environment.

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